Carl and Luana’s Family Fund

Kissimmee, FL (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Carl and Luana’s Family Fund

by Luana Pinto Bronislawski

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $12,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $12,000.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$12,000.00 raised of $12,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Kissimmee, FL (US)

Luana Pinto Bronislawski is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

My name is Luana and my husbands name is Carl. To truly understand our story, we must begin in 2013. My boyfriend at that time, who is now my dear husband, was just 18 years old and diagnosed with testicular cancer. The summer going into college he was diagnosed with a non-seminoma testicular cancer. After removal of the mass, he was hopeful that would be the end of it. About a month into college classes, he received the dreaded phone call from the oncologist stating that his tumor markers were elevated and he would need to start chemotherapy. Putting a stop to his football career and academic aspirations, he headed home for chemotherapy.

After giving his body time to recover, he decided to head back to college and continue to pursue collegiate football. His school graciously honored his scholarship for the following school year. At this time, we were 19-year-old high school sweethearts living in separate cities. We were hopeful the cancer was behind us and we were ready to move forward. After one year of playing college football, Carl decided to end his football career and continue his education near home. In hindsight, the move was a God sent because in 2017, while still pursuing his bachelor’s degree, he felt another lump. Being very in tune with his body, he knew that it needed to be checked out immediately. In March of 2017, he was diagnosed with a seminoma testicular cancer – a completely new and unrelated diagnosis to his 2013 cancer.

At this time, we were 22 and considering the future possibility of marriage and children. I was not only crushed that Carl would once again have to live through another cancer diagnosis, but I was realizing that my dreams of one day being a mother to his children may never come true. We were lucky enough to sperm bank before the removal of the second testicular cancer. This gave me hope of possibly having children in the future, though I knew it would not come easy. After his surgery, the scans were clear and he was declared cancer free.

Following this milestone, Carl was ready to start a new chapter. A law enforcement profession was one he grew up around and had always been interested him. He finally felt ready to take on a new challenge to protect and serve his community. Not only did he pass the interview, but he was offered a sponsorship that would allow the police department to pay his way through the police academy. He was set to begin March of 2018. Later that year in 2017, prior to the start of the police academy, we went to his routine oncologist appointment for blood work and scans. Typically, these appointments ran quickly and we were in and out in a matter of minutes, never waiting long in the lobby. This time, it was different. We sat there for hours, while in our heads we ran through what scenario was causing the results to take so long. Shortly after being taken into the exam room, we were notified of cancer that had metastasized into Carl’s lymph nodes. This diagnosis not only meant another surgery, but a long and complicated recovery.

After his retroperitoneal lymph node dissections, we spent the next several days in the hospital. We even rang in the new year in a hospital bed, holding each other. Despite the trouble, we were grateful for his life. He pushed through the recovery and got himself in shape for a series of physical assessments that were ahead before beginning his time in the police academy. After completing the police academy and beginning his career as a police officer, we married April of 2019.

We started to discuss growing our family and what that would look like for us. After meeting with a fertility specialist and confirming that IVF would be our only option we decided that we are ready to take the next step. We are stepping into this next phase of our lives with uncertainty, but most importantly with God in full control. With open hearts we ask that you consider being a part of this journey with us.

Thank you,

Luana and Carl Bronislawski

Name Donation Date
Anonymous $10,105.00 April 15, 2022
Anonymous $30.00 February 27, 2022
Shaila Akbari $50.00 February 06, 2022
Andres Cardenas $135.00 January 29, 2022
Leanna Thibeault $10.00 January 26, 2022
Chelsea Egger $100.00 January 25, 2022
Priscell Voll $200.00 January 25, 2022
Taylor Stone $100.00 January 23, 2022
Neisha/Aaron Whitmore $100.00 January 22, 2022
Thalita Coelho $10.00 January 22, 2022
Hope VanBuren $30.00 January 21, 2022
Maria Dennison $50.00 January 20, 2022
Jordyn Davidove $20.00 January 20, 2022
Irech Colon $50.00 January 20, 2022
Anonymous $300.00 January 20, 2022
Lucas Lessa $100.00 January 20, 2022
Anonymous $100.00 January 20, 2022
Jose Peixoto $200.00 January 20, 2022
Anonymous $100.00 January 20, 2022
Alana Rodriguez $100.00 January 20, 2022
Roberta Teixeira $30.00 January 20, 2022
Carley Zelada $50.00 January 19, 2022
Michelle Lopez $30.00 January 19, 2022